Benard Mudogo Angatia

Full Name: 
Benard Mudogo Angatia
Academic Rank: Assistant Professor 
Affiliation: Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology
Address: Department of Linguistics 
                 Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology
Research Interests: Translation and Interpretation, cognitive Linguistics, Semantics and pragmatics, Language documentation, Language teaching
Mobile: +8907


Selected Publications

1- Mudogo, B. (2018). Baker’s Strategies in Translation: A Lexico-Semantic Analysis of Four Luhya Dialects; Lukabras, Lwisukha, Luwanga and Lukhayo in Informative Text. Baker’s Strategies in Translation: A Lexico-Semantic Analysis of Four Luhya Dialects, 71-84.
MUDOGO, B. A. (2017). Word level strategies used to attain functional Lukabras equivalence in the translation of Mulembe FM Luhya newscasts (Doctoral dissertation, Maseno University).
Mudogo, B. A. (2011). Interpretation challenges facing Lukabras listeners when comprehending news broadcasts by the Non-Kabras presenters of Mulembe FM. Unpublished MA Thesis, Kenyatta University.
Mudogo, B. A. 2019. Conceptualization of women through metaphor by bilingual Lukabras-English speakers. International Journal of Linguistics, Literature and Translation 2(5). 26-32. 
Mudogo, B. A. 2019. The relevance and applicability of English-Luhya translations in an informative text. Coretrain 1(1). 1-8.
6- Mudogo, B. A., B. O. Ojwang’ & A. Yakub. 2016. Strategies used by non-Kabras presenters to attain Lukabras equivalence in the translation of Mulembe FM Luhya newscasts. The International Journal of Humanities and Social Studies 4(12). 148-154. 
Matseshe Sasala, J., Alati, R. A., & Mudogo, B. A. (2019). Lexical Borrowing in Spoken Lukabaras in a Multilingual Context. Online Submission2(6), 31-37.