Full Name: Benard Mudogo Angatia
Academic Rank: Assistant Professor
Affiliation: Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology
Address: Department of Linguistics
Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology
Research Interests: Translation and Interpretation, cognitive Linguistics, Semantics and pragmatics, Language documentation, Language teaching
Mobile: +8907
Dr. Benard Mudogo Angatia holds B.Ed., M.A., and Ph.D. degrees in Linguistics.Im a Lecturer in Linguistics with over five years of teaching and research experience at the university level. He has extensively published in the following areas; translation and interpretation, cognitive linguistics, semantics and pragmatics, language contact and English language teaching. He is currently doing language documentation related projects.
Selected Publications
1- Mudogo, B. (2018). Baker’s Strategies in Translation: A Lexico-Semantic Analysis of Four Luhya Dialects; Lukabras, Lwisukha, Luwanga and Lukhayo in Informative Text. Baker’s Strategies in Translation: A Lexico-Semantic Analysis of Four Luhya Dialects, 71-84.
2- MUDOGO, B. A. (2017). Word level strategies used to attain functional Lukabras equivalence in the translation of Mulembe FM Luhya newscasts (Doctoral dissertation, Maseno University).
3- Mudogo, B. A. (2011). Interpretation challenges facing Lukabras listeners when comprehending news broadcasts by the Non-Kabras presenters of Mulembe FM. Unpublished MA Thesis, Kenyatta University.
4- Mudogo, B. A. 2019. Conceptualization of women through metaphor by bilingual Lukabras-English speakers. International Journal of Linguistics, Literature and Translation 2(5). 26-32. https://doi.org/10.32996/ijllt.2019.2.5.4
5- Mudogo, B. A. 2019. The relevance and applicability of English-Luhya translations in an informative text. Coretrain 1(1). 1-8.
6- Mudogo, B. A., B. O. Ojwang’ & A. Yakub. 2016. Strategies used by non-Kabras presenters to attain Lukabras equivalence in the translation of Mulembe FM Luhya newscasts. The International Journal of Humanities and Social Studies 4(12). 148-154.
7- Matseshe Sasala, J., Alati, R. A., & Mudogo, B. A. (2019). Lexical Borrowing in Spoken Lukabaras in a Multilingual Context. Online Submission, 2(6), 31-37.